Edited volume // Keyboard Perspectives vol. 13

The Lure of Paris, 1795–1810

Keyboard Perspectives Square

Guest editor: Tom Beghin

Editors-in-chief: Roger Moseley and Tilman Skowroneck

Table of Contents

Preface by the editor

Tilman Skowroneck – Preparing for Paris: Beethoven and French Musicianship

Erin Helyard – Muzio Clementi: The Father (Also) of French Pianism (→)

Tom Beghin – The Paris Conservatoire: An Institution with Ambition

Michael Pecak – Frédéric Kalkbrenner as an Alumnus of the Paris Conservatoire

Jeanne Roudet – Reconciling Innovative Pedagogy with Musical Heritage: The Méthode de piano du Conservatoire of Louis Adam (→)

Luca Montebugnoli – “On the Art of Accompanying the Score”: Louis Adam’s Instructions for Arranging Orchestral Music on the Piano (→)

Charles Shrader – Daniel Steibelt, Charlatanry, and the Technaesthetics of bon son (→)

Robin Blanton – Perfection’s Purchase: Erard Frères Grand Pianos in Paris Society around 1800

Hester Bell Jordan – Mesdemoiselles Erard: Gender, Music Publishing, and Self-Dedication in Nineteenth-Century Paris

Frédéric de La Grandville – The State of Piano Instruction at the Paris Conservatoire around 1810: An Inspector’s Report (→)

Book review

Eleanor Smith – Invention, Design, Fraternity: Three Books Furthering Knowledge of the French Piano Builder Sébastien Erard

Exhibition review

Camilla Köhnken – “Beethoven. World.Citizen.Music” (Bundeskunsthalle Bonn) and “Hotel Beethoven“ (Bozar Brussels): Two Anniversary Exhibitions Braving the Corona Year of 2020 and Other Calamities (→)

Bonus material

  • CONCOURS Orpheus 2018 (→)
  • Louis Adam, Piano Method of the Conservatoire (Paris: Naderman, 1804–05), translated by Tom Beghin, with Mikayla Jensen-Large (2021)